Welcome Daniel and Michel!

- Om Oss : 2021/07/09

We are excited to announce two new members to OQAM´s Board of Directors! Michel André, CIO at EQT owned Banking Circle and Daniel Leveau, Head of Investor Solutions at SIGTech. We are thrilled to welcome them to our team and very much look forward to working with them as OQAM enters its next growth phase where their experience and knowledge will be invaluable.

Michel André is a senior technology leader and manager within financial services. He has 20+ years’ experience as architect and technical leader in the financial services industry working with internet trading platforms, exchange technology, dma broker networks, real-time risk management, information distribution and other areas requiring extreme reliability, scalability while retaining low latency, high throughput and maintaining and reaching business requirements. Michel has a proven track record of translating business strategies and visions into working architectures and programs of transformation work. He has been paramount in designing and rearchitecting existing systems of different kinds related to all kinds of trading and risk management for increased scalability and throughput over several large projects and programs of work. Previous employers and customers include amongst others NeoNet, Swedbank Markets, OMX Technologies, Stockholm Stock Exchange, Nordea Markets and Saxo Bank. Michel is currently the CIO of EQT owned Banking Circle.

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Daniel Leveau is an experienced senior manager in the finance industry with previous roles as CEO, chairman at asset management companies and Partner at a Swiss Private Bank. In 2001 he joined Wegelin & Co. in Switzerland where he strongly contributed to the founding and development of its asset management division. From 2007 until 2012 he was a partner and deputy head of asset management while continuing to be the lead fund manager for an extensive range of equity products in the long-only, long/short and market neutral space managing up to CHF 5 bn. In 2012 the asset management division was spun off into 1741 Asset Management where Daniel managed a team of senior investment professionals covering all major asset classes. During 2013 -2015 he was acting as CEO being responsible for drafting and successfully implementing a renewed business strategy. Since 2016 Daniel is offering consultancy and advisory services to asset management firms, wealth management firms and banks. Assignments include Senior Investment Strategist at IPM – Informed Portfolio Management and Head of Investor Solutions at SIGTech where he is currently responsible for SIGTech’s strategic initiatives to asset owners. Over the years, Daniel has published frequently in various academic/practitioner journals as well as in leading financial magazines and has been a frequent speaker at investment conferences.

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